▸ Day 14 ... ♬
Monday, April 1, 2013
♥ posted at: @8:30 PM

Ladies and gentlemen, the first 2 kgs have been lost.

▸ day 4 ... ♬
Friday, March 22, 2013
♥ posted at: @10:58 PM

Aches, man. Muscle aches everywhere. Don't think it is practical to do intensive exercises everyday. Think I'll do long cardio every other day and stick to resistance circuits the rest of the week. Ergh. anyway, most of the day was spent studying.

Stuffs I ate today:
- 2 wholemeal breads
- yong tau foo with bittergourd
- chicken salad

No mood to write anymore. This test prep is draining me mentally. but on a good note, no hypo attacks today! Yay. bye.

▸ day 3 ... ♬
Thursday, March 21, 2013
♥ posted at: @7:57 PM

Today was weird. I was in the middle of a workout when I felt sick. Took a break but it didn't help. Some kind of weird feeling I can't really put my finger on. Maybe it's the calorie deficit - I dunno. Slightly better now but still feeling lethargic in addition to muscle cramps. Think I'll just do some evil eagle crunches and push-ups before calling it a night.

Stuffs I ate today:
Carb heavy today but with controlled portions. Just felt so hungry. Ugh. Ate noodles with 1 wholemeal bread for brekkie and lunch and noodles for dinner. Ate a salad in between.

Wanna do this workout tmr - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocWjGpBrTjg
Don't think I'll last for the whole thing but we shall see how it goes. Jillian's 30 day shred that I tried today was a bit hard to keep up with.

Edit: ARGH. Got hypo again. This shit is hard. I exercise, my metabolic rate increases to an unknown level which reduces my sugar level which means I have to adjust my insulin dosage accordingly. If I make a tiny mistake, I get hypo which means I'll need to eat more which adds on to my calorie intake. ARGHHH.

▸ Day 2 ... ♬
♥ posted at: @12:15 AM

Been a long day. Started off with a long walk-jogathon. I'd say about 5 km? My quads and calves are hurting much. Think I'll stick to doing some resistance training at home tmr and give my muscles time to recuperate. Hopefully they get better by Friday morning.

Stuffs I ate today:
- ~60g white rice with 1/2 cup cooked potato and 2 pappadam
- 1 wholemeal bread (after hypo attack)
- Salad (which I prepared btw and was pretty damn good, if I say so myself.)
- 2 4-inch sausages

Had another hypo attack this afternoon. It's a challenge to adjust my insulin dosage now that my metabolism is increasing. Ugh. Think I'll email my doc tmr and see what she says. ALSO, it's proving to be an even bigger challenge to watch both my calories and carbs intake. What I'm doing seems to be working - let's just hope it stays that way. Sugar level for the night - 7.3 mmol/L. Not bad at all considering I only took one shot in total today which was before my carb meal which was my first meal of the day. Well well. If you've read so far, you're awesome and I heart you. Nights.

▸ Day 1 ... ♬
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
♥ posted at: @7:32 PM

Went well. Woke up at 6-ish to go to Changi Beach. Need to wake up at 6 exactly tomorrow to catch an earlier bus which *hopefully* would be less crowded. I managed to find a seat but bleagh, too many people. Anyway, if anything is going to be a routine, jogging at Changi Beach in the wee hours of the morning is. I don't know how far I went but I saw literally 5 different people. So quite and peaceful. It was amazing. Even managed to catch a bit of the sunrise.

I haven't decided if I should keep to a circuit style run/jog or just try to maintain a steady pace throughout. Tried a bit of both today. A bit, because being as unfit as I am now, I couldn't run or jog for more than a while. Most of my time was spent brisk and slow walking. I think I'm gonna try to maintain  one pace tomorrow and run the last stretch. I need to change a few songs on the playlist also. As much as I knew he was trouble, he did not keep up with the pace of my other songs.

Stuffs I ate today:
- 1 wholemeal bread for breakfast. (was my first time trying bread without any spreads. Wasn't too bad actually. Quite enjoyed it)
- Yong tau foo with a heaping cup of braised bittergourd. (low carb [yay!] and I injected a tad too much insulin. Woke up cold and sweaty from a nap. Sucks. Chewed on a glucose tablet and ate another wholemeal bread after)
- 3 epok epok (not the most ideal thing to eat but it's fine, since it's my only carb/fat for today... Um no. I caved. Dang.)

I want to start drinking tea. Lots of tea. Green, earl grey, chamomile.. Just bought this rose with french vanilla ceylon tea. Gonna try it during tonight's muggo session.

Here's hoping day 2 will be better.

▸ The decision. ... ♬
Monday, March 18, 2013
♥ posted at: @2:14 PM

I've been putting this off for far too long. Procrastination and silly excuses. No more. It's high time. Time to get my life in check.

▸ Test ... ♬
Monday, September 17, 2012
♥ posted at: @9:27 AM

I'm posting this from my phone!

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